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Trip Guide Sri Lanka

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Idalgashinna Railway Station, located between Haputale and Ohiya railway stations, is generally referred to as Sri Lanka’s most beautiful railway station. The station originates from the colonial period and was constructed in 1893 when the railway track from Nanu Oya to Haputale was expanded. Between Ohiya and Idalgashinna, the station is known for having 14 tunnels, which makes it the station with the most tunnels between two railway stations in Sri Lanka.

Idalgashinna Station is a small station that is overwhelmed by the pine-forested hill that stands behind it. The entire station has only one platform, and as soon as you exit the train, all you see are vast green hills with a few scattered buildings peeking through the foliage. Because the station is engulfed in a dense cloud of mist in the late afternoons and evenings, the best time to visit is in the morning, especially during sunrise. Despite the limited vision, watching the mist sweep in and cover everything in a veil of white is amazing.

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