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Where is the best place to see Elephants in Sri Lanka?


There are three recognized subspecies of Asian elephants, and the Sri Lankan elephant (Elephas maximus Maximus) is one among them. Also, native to Sri Lanka. On the other hand, Asian elephants are the main factor that causes to attract tourists who travel to Sri Lanka.


As we mentioned above, Elephas maximus Maximus is a type of subspecies that you can find in Sri Lanka. According to the recent researches, the population of these elephants have become low, and it is restricted to the north and east of the country.

 Furthermore, if you are interested in watching them, you can visit national parks in Sri Lanka such as Udawalawe, Yala, Lunugamvehera, Wilpattu and Minneriya. So, let’s take a brief understanding of those places.

Sri Lanka Elephant

Best places to see elephants in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Elephant

Udawalawe National Park

Udawalawe National Park is a perfect place to see Asian elephants. It is located in the south of Sri Lanka, and wildlife safaris are available there. So, what is the best time period to visit this national park?

The Best time to visit Udawalawe National Park

When you are planning your vacation to travel Sri Lanka, the date won’t be a problem to see these interesting animals as the safaris are available throughout the year. You will receive the chance to see hundreds of elephants at this park.

YALA National Park

Yala is also the main destination where the tourists choose to visit, and this is the 2nd largest national park in Sri Lanka. The special thing here is, Yala is situated 80 KM away from Udawalawe.

In addition to that, Yala is also popular for the leopard population. So, thousands of people visit Yala every day. Roaming jeeps is not a rare incident here.

Best time to visit Yala

If you are expecting to visit Yala, plan to travel Sri Lanka in the dry season. It means the time period between February and June.

Sri Lanka ElEphant

Minneriya or Kaudulla National Park

Minneriya or Kaudulla National Park is a great destination if you are expecting to spend your time in Sri Lanka’s cultural triangle. It is situated 4-5 hours away from Colombo if you are travelling by car.

Moreover, these are separate parks divided by a dense called ‘elephant corridor’. Minneriya and Kaudulla are popular for incredible wildlife events too. The dry season is the best time period to visit these places, and it has some reasons.

The Best time to visit Minneriya and Kaudulla

The population of the elephants who gather to this place increases between August and December.

For instance, a large number of elephants travel to reservoirs to find water. You will get the privilege to see how a large group of elephants bathe and drink water. So, this is the perfect place to see a hundred elephants at the same place. 

Elephant Safaris

 In Sri Lanka, you will get a lot of opportunities to enjoy safaris, and it is a very popular item among the tourists who travel Sri Lanka. There is a different kind of price levels in different places. It will depend on the time and the number of group members too.

For instance, if you are expecting to enjoy a half-day safari, you must pay LKR 5000 and the payment for a full day will be LKR 10,000. These are the charges by old land rovers and Tata cabs, and they will be fit for a group of 6 members.

If you expect something special and luxury, you must book in advance. On the other hand, it will be much expensive too.

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